Wednesday, October 27, 2021

NZDating Newsletter - October 2021 - Halloween Edition

This month celebrates Halloween!
NZDating logo

Happy Halloween!

The special day on October 31 dates back over 2000 years

On the day known as 'All Hallows Eve', young women tossed apple-peels over their shoulders hoping the peels would land in the shape of their future husband's initials...   Thankfully provides modern Kiwis the technology to find partners without the black magic and guesswork.

We reckon it's a great excuse to have fun dressing up and meeting new people!

We thank you for your support,
The NZDating team.

" Found a great guy through the site - thanks!"
- Another NZDating success story, from October 2021

Halloween Emoticons

Have fun this Halloween with scary emoticons!
We all know text in email and messageboard posts can be a little less exciting without emoticons so we're giving Gold members the ability to add some fun to their posts this week with these cool Halloween themed emoticons.

:h1: :h2: :h3: :h4: :h5: :h6:

* Available until the 3rd of November

'If you've got it ... HAUNT IT'

Get amongst the spooky festivities! - Meet other like minded people while dressed in your favourite halloween costume.

Why not make a FREE NZD Event listing to organise your very own Halloween Costume Party.

Don't be ghosted this Halloween!

Halloween Messageboard

Just for fun! - This year with lockdowns and other restrictions we're trialling a Halloween themed messageboard where you can post photos of your costume and/or your best face make-up.

Show off your decorated pumpkins and your spooky (or romantic!) halloween stories...

Interact this Halloween!

Guidelines for better Photos

in search of the perfect face photo...

You may have noticed we recently improved the photo uploading page by adding a 'guide' area when uploading face photos.

This new features lets you visually centre your face using a sliding scale to zoom in and out, and you can move the photo around using your finger to centre it and create the perfect face photo.

Good quality face photos attract more messages by allowing you to be included in Swipe Matches, and invoke a sense of honesty and trust while helping you to stand out in search results.

Even if you have photos already uploaded, try this new tool to better showcase your beautiful face.

Upload a Face Photo

Upcoming dates of interest
  • Sunday 31 Oct - Halloween
  • Monday 1 Nov - Marlborough Anniversary
  • Tuesday 2 Nov - Melbourne Cup
  • Thursday 4 Nov - Diwali
  • Friday 5 Nov - Guy Fawkes Night
  • Thursday 11 Nov - Singles Day
  • Friday 13 Nov - World Kindness Day


STOP PRESS: As a small gift to those of you that read down this far in this newsletter, we have free gold memberships for the first 500 members to use the code below:

To stake your claim, click here and select 'SPECIALS: Special Offer or Voucher Code' to enter the offer code above. If it doesn't work... sorry but you weren't one of the first 500, be quicker next time!
Can't see the code? Please ensure you have images enabled in your email software settings

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