Thursday, July 30, 2020 Newsletter - July 2020 - Beta is Better

FREE Gold trial on BETA! Read on to see how you can access free features on the NEW NZDating web site
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  Issue 135, July 2020

Try Gold this weekend!

Try Gold free this weekend

Just go to for a 4 day Gold weekend!

Simply use the BETA site any time from Friday to Monday to experience a free trial of Gold features on the Beta site for the weekend. On Tuesday your membership will return to your previous level, with no obligation or payment required at any stage.

More details below ...

We thank you for your support,
The NZDating team.

I got married in May to the best man ever - who I happened to meet off this website so thanks!!"

Free Gold features on BETA

Try out Gold only features on the Beta site free of charge this weekend

By now you should be aware of the new platform available for you to use and provide feedback.

There's a feedback form at the bottom of each page to rate the new pages and let us know if you experience issues.

We have also added a small 'switch' to easily move between beta and the current site - if you want to switch just click on the version you want to use (note: Free Gold features only usable on BETA).

* Starts the 31st of July, ends on the 3rd of August, not applicable on the non beta site or for accounts created after this promotion begins

Why Gold really is so much better for you

Being a Gold member adds a huge number of new features - some subtle, and others that'll make you wonder how you ever lived without them!

Here's some of the most popular Gold features here:
  • Use the Gold Home page
    includes many NZDating features on a single home page!

  • See who's viewed your advert
    Start a conversation with someone who's already checked you out!

  • Control who can approach you
    Specify your ideal age range and have different settings for different genders.

  • Use NZDating without showing you're online
    Easily change your online status to 'Hidden' or 'busy' in one simple setting

  • See when your friends come online
    ...and initiate live private chat with them - from any NZDating page, any time.

Please note: Not all Gold features are applicable for free users, paid Gold members still appear first in search results, and normal free member limits may apply for photos, posts and search results.

NZDating Commercial Use Reminder

On a dating and friendship site such as NZDating, there's no reason or need to discuss money - in fact it's strictly against the terms of use to conduct any commercial activity. If anyone attempts to discuss monetary transactions with you, please report it immediately using the 'report misuse' link and then block the member - remember participating in this activity is also considered commercial use and will result in your account being removed to prevent further misuse.

If you become aware of any dubious activity... it using the 'report misuse' link

If in Doubt - Report It!


STOP PRESS: As a small gift to those of you that read down this far in this newsletter, we have free gold memberships for the first 500 members to use the code below:

To stake your claim, click here and select 'SPECIALS: Special Offer or Voucher Code' to enter the offer code above. If it doesn't work... sorry but you weren't one of the first 500, be quicker next time!
Can't see the code? Please ensure you have images enabled in your email software settings